workplace campaigns


2025 Leading the Way Campaign Video

Learn how United Way of Rutland County supports local organizations that serve our neighbors most in need. The 2025 Leading the Way Campaign is rooted in the efforts of community members like you. We need your support to UWRC’s mission to support our local services and local nonprofits!

The Importance of Workplace Campaigns

United Way of Rutland County is incredibly thankful to the many organizations that already contribute to our annual campaign. With your support, you are making Rutland County residents safer, healthier, and more independent. If you are not already running a workplace campaign, we welcome you with open arms and encourage you to connect with us to explore your giving potential!

  • This is your opportunity to harness the collective power of people in your workplace to make a difference in your community.
  • Your workplace campaign is a way to experience the excitement of being part of the change; to belong to something bigger than any one individual.
  • You can create a community where everyone can thrive. That is no small vision, and we need each person’s help to create a place where communities are healthy, families are stable, and kids are ready to achieve their greatest potential!
  • Increase the connectivity at your workplace and engage your team to champion together and engage in the collective effort to Lead the Way.
  • United Way’s 2025 Leading the Way Campaign is rooted in uplifting local organizations, programs, and projects that in turn serve our residents in Rutland County most in need of vital care. Funds raised during our 2025 Campaign will directly support a variety of efforts tackling local challenges surrounding health, education, and financial stability. 

Your Workplace Campaign

Workplace campaigns with United Way of Rutland County is what you want to make it. Our customizable, flexible, and creative options are rooted in meeting businesses and individuals where there at. 

  1. Employee Payroll Deductions +/- Corporate Match
    1. Traditional model workplace giving
    2. Establish a payroll deduction process to streamline your donations to UWRC through your employer. 
    3. Encourage your employer to match employee contributions to maximize the impact of your donations.
  2. Corporate Annual Gift
  3. Event Sponsorships
  4. Workplace Fundraising Events
    1. Hold events in your workplace like yard sales, silent auctions, raffles and coat drives that benefit UWRC’s annual campaign
    2. Work alongside UWRC to host events that benefit UWRC and the Rutland community.
  5. In-Kind donations
    1. An alternative to traditional giving, support the United Way by providing necessary materials for UWRC events, programs, and initiatives.
  6.  Designated Giving
    1. Is there a specific community organization, program or cause you have in mind your business and employees would like to support? UWRC can connect you with local organizations and facilitate your giving.
  7. Targeted Impact Sponsorship
    1. Streamline your donations to support UWRC’s Targeted Impact Programs: Happy Feet and Welcome to Winter.
  8. Customized Giving
    1. Do you have an idea of how you want to get involved with UWRC? We love that! Tell us how we can bring your idea to life.

2025 Leading the Way Workplace Campaign Toolbox