United Way of Rutland County is one of 1,200 United Ways in the United States and one of 1,800 worldwide. Serving Rutland County residents since 1943, we are an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the common good, focusing on Health, Education and Financial Stability. We are the largest non-governmental fundraising organization for local services within our community.
We collaborate with community organizations and businesses, and we join forces with dedicated leaders and volunteers to impact positive change. Together, we meet community needs that affect Rutland County residents, assuring a community-wide services infrastructure. We also mobilize the community to provide the financial and non-monetary resources needed to build a better community. Through a single, county-wide fundraising campaign, United Way of Rutland County raises resources that are then invested into programs that address the community’s most pressing needs. We measure the impact of these programs by how well they solve problems and improve the lives of our residents. The outcome of all of this effort is a healthier and stronger Rutland County community.