All Rutland County nonprofit (501c3) agencies are invited to submit proposals for projects or programs that will address issues within one or more of United Way of Rutland County’s Community Impact focus areas: Health, Education, and Financial Stability. Community Impact Committee members consist of local volunteers with backgrounds in our three pillars of focus that are actively involved in the Rutland Community. Our committees carefully review applications alongside our board of directors to determine grantees through a collaborative decision-making process. Once funding is awarded, the UWRC team thoughtfully works with grantees to promote program success and serves as a resource to ensure program implementation!
At United Way of Rutland County, we understand the nature of today’s grant processes. We recognize that our local non-profits rely on grant funding for many of their projects and programs that directly serve our Rutland community members most in need. Grant processes can often be complex, time consuming, confusing, require strict parameters to qualify, and have long waiting periods when it comes to funding timelines.
2024-25 Community Impact Grants – Final Report for downloading*
Optional Q&A Information Session VIRTUAL 11:00 am EST
Deadline to submit Letter of Intent
Agencies invited to submit Proposals will be contacted by 5pm EST
Deadline to submit Proposal Application
UWRC Board of Directors reviews recommendations from Community Impact Committee and votes to award grants
2024 grant cycle program year begins
Distribution deadline for first 50% of grant award funds*
Distribution deadline for second 50% of grant award funds**
Deadline to submit final report***
2024 grant cycle program year ends
Help support our latest campaign
If you would like any additional information about United Way of Rutland County, contact us by clicking on the button below or call us at 802.773.7477.