2024 Welcome to Winter Deliveries and Operation Warmth Partnership

Isabella Culver and Curtis VanEpps with children who received new coats.
Written by Isabela Culver
United Way’s 2024 Welcome to Winter Program was a tremendous success due to the Operation Warmth partnership with Oliver Subaru of Rutland. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had the privilege to organize this event with Jose Oliver, Curtis VanEpps, and the rest of the Rutland Team to supply students with brand-new winter jackets across 5 schools and 3 districts within Rutland County. Through this local partnership, over 100 students were equipped with new jackets to enjoy the snow and keep warm in the blistering winter months of Vermont.
This adventure started when the United Way staff excitedly welcomed the Oliver Subaru team as they delivered the winter jackets to our offices. This was an exciting morning because we were finally able to meet the team that we have been chatting with over emails. Handshakes and smiles were flying across the room as jackets were carried in.


Isabella and Curtis delivering coats and snowpants to Rutland County schools.

Isabella Culver and Curtis VanEpps delivering to Rutland County schools.

On February 15, 2024, Curtis and I had the privilege to deliver these jackets to the selected schools and meet the incredible administrators that work everyday to give their students the best educational experience. It was heart-warming to speak directly to these community members that have been incredibly patient and cooperative in this entire operation. When speaking with these individuals, Curtis and I understood the common ground that the Subaru team, United Way of Rutland County, and the school administrators all have in common–the desire to fill the needs in our community. It was truly a rewarding experience to witness students receiving their new coats. Many could not keep the smiles off their faces when the jacket hugged their bodies. Many were thrilled about the name tag inside of their jacket–we could tell that this instilled a sense of pride in something that the students can now call theirs.
From everyone at the United Way of Rutland County, thank you to Operation Warmth and the Oliver Subaru team for their selfless effort to serve the children of Rutland by making their winters significantly more warm. This experience has set the bar high for next year’s Welcome to Winter program, and we are extremely excited to keep things moving in the right direction alongside the Subaru team.
About the United Way of Rutland County:
The United Way of Rutland County (UWRC) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the common good, focusing on health, education and financial stability for Rutland County since 1943. UWRC collaborates with other community organizations, partners with businesses, teams with service delivery organizations and joins forces with dedicated leaders and volunteers to solve community needs that affect families and children, assuring a community-wide services infrastructure.